To revise the charism of our founding mothers who served destitute women with deep love and care. The Provincial Synaxis of 1998 put forward the suggestion of a 'Home for the Destitute women' as an essential need of the time. Everyone welcomed the idea wholeheartedly. As a result of the immediate effort of the Provincial team 'Karunai Illam' - the home for the destitute- started functioning in a shed near Good Shephered Convent on 19th March 1999 with many inmates.Within a few months a polt of land was bought and a new building was constructed at Chinnakarannur. Karunai Illam Convent was blessed on 6th July 2000 and the home for the destitute was shifted to the new site. Now there are 63 inmates including mental patients, girls and women who are wandering in the streets, the old women descarded from home etc. Inspite of any type of attack from them the sesters serve them with tender love and patients. This house is running very well with the full support and help from the locality and even Government officials.