
Ministries In Detail

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Evangelization and Faith

  • Direct preaching

    Our 4 sisters are working as direct preachers at Attapady Sehion Retreat Centre, Mundoor Sinai retreat Centre, and Dhoni Marian Renewal Centre.

Family Renewal Retreat

With the aim of the renewal of families in the Palakkad Diocese, we started a spiritual renewal programme named as "Madona Retreat"This is a 3 days  programme for the mothers in the parishes. It is started from 2014 February. Nine active members of the Province are the backbone of this programme.


Faith formation

Hundred Sisters from our province are trying to give the faith through Catechism, moral science and counseling session. It is very helpful to enrich the faith formation of our children.


Catholic organizations for Children and Youth

In the parishes, which are served by our sisters, sisters are stands as animators for the organizations such as CLC, KCSL, KCYM, Jesus Youth etc., Sisters are helping the people of God fruitfully.

 Jail Ministry

This Palakkad zone consist of four jails which are Palakkad, Chitoor, Ottapalam and Alathur. According to the word of God "I was in prison and you visited me"our sisters are regularly visiting the above mentioned four jails. On second Saturday of the month sisters of this jail Ministry from different Congregations are gather at any convent and pray in communion from 2.30 pm to 4.00pm. Sisters are distributing  sweets on the occasion of Christmas and feast of St.Francis etc. Our sisters are also attending the meetings of jail ministry in zonal  and State level.


Sisters those who are celebrated their Golden Jubilee of religious life and several other sisters are praying intercession for all the members of the province at a particular time in different convents. All the members of the province are praying for the intention of  the Church, FCC, and for the whole world at a particular time, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. At certain convents where there are perpetual adoration, Sisters are praying in  common adoration time and the other convents from 2pm to 3pm . "Holy Trinity"group is a community in which some members of the province, those who are ready to do penance and sacrifice and they are praying for the intentions of the province and for the  whole world. Our sisters are doing intercessory prayers (2 months, one year) at Protiuncula FCC Generalate Aluva, Marian Renewal Centre Dhoni, Mundoor Sinai Retreat Centre, Sehion Retreat Centre, Attapady, Shanthi Ashram, Munippara.


Our Three sisters are working as full time gifted counsellors at Sehion Retreat Centre,Attapady and Marian Renewal Centre Dhoni. Few sisters completed their counselling course from FATRI- Velur and from some other institutions. Sisters are doing counselling at our schools in a dedicated manner.More over  according to the need, our sisters are doing counselling for the people on their different ministries such as hospitals, charitable institutions and social centers. The province enrich and empower the sisters those who are working in this field with gifted counselling courses and scientific methods. Sisters those who are preaching  for "Madona Retreat"(a retreat for the mothers) also giving fruitful counselling for the women in different Parishes.

 Vocation Promotion

In each and every Convent we are doing adoration, night vigil etc, for the promotion of genuine vocation. In every year we are receiving candidates from  vocation camps conducted at different convents of the province. "Come and See"programme is very helpful for this purpose. We are giving enrichment programme for the vocation promoters in each convents at province level. For the active work of vocation promotion the Superiors appointed vocation promoters at each Zone. The Zone level vocation promoters are working with provincial vocation promoters in hand in glove. We are realizing that the number of candidates are gradually decreasing. So we are giving this issue to the Alter of the Holy Eucharist and praying for God's mercy. With this intention from Aug.2011 to July 2013 in each convent of the province had done adoration from 9pm to 12am at weekly once. After this every convent of the province had done adoration from 7pm to 10 pm on one Friday in the month, with the same intention. In 2012, every zone had done adoration for the vocation promotion at the month of April and May. On the Maundy Thursday of 2012, every convents had done one hour adoration for the same purpose. On the vocation  day of 2012  (April 29th ) every sisters  of the province had spent one hour  in prayer for the vocation. Our postulants had got the chance for the retreat at Sehion Retreat Centre, Thavalam. For the increase in the number of vocation our sisters had taken different sacrifices and prayer. In every week all the vocation promoters are keeping one day fast for this ministry. Senior and junior co-ordinators, Formators, Junior Mistreses etc, are gathering in every year at Provincial House and evaluate the formation programme and taking appropriate decision for formation.

Our sisters are attending the seminars for vocation promoters at POC, Religious day celebraton, Young religious Meet, Franciscan Spirituality Class (conducted by Rev.Fr.Jerry Lobo OFM Cap. at Alphonsa Bhavan , Bangalore) Our candidates are attending retreats  at provincial and general level. Every year Junior sisters are having refresher course. And also our junior sisters are gathering at provincial House once in a two months. They have spiritual classes, spiritual direction, personal interview etc,. To mould good formators for the new generation we are giving courses for particular sisters, those who are apt to this field.


There are 3 formation houses, which are

.St.Agnes F.C.Convent, Elavampadam

. Santhome F.C.Convent, Ponkandam

.Seraphic F.C. Novitate House, Polpully


We are giving well trained and spirit filled  formation all through this three Phases.Formators also getting courses to be updated according to the  new generation and its tendencies. Nowadays we are giving the combined formation with other provinces due to the lack of vocation. According to the syllabus in the "Open to the Sprit"classes are given our formators are trying to mould the candidates in Franciscan life.